Hi, I'm Cave - lazy gamer and programmer born in June 2003.
This is my personal website that exists only because I wanted it to.
I have a full time job at groceries, but in free time, i mainly do cool stuff and chat on discord, sometimes playing games.
I really love doing stuff for fun and giggles and i believe that fun time together with friends is everything you'll ever need in life.
Enjoy your stay!

My timezone: UTC+5:00 a.k.a. Asia/YEKT
Country of birth and residence: Russia

Things i like/enjoy:
- fun time together
- cool tech stuff
- giant cities cityscapes
- shawarma
- apple cider, wheat beer, cappuccino or hot (but colder) chocolate
- exploration of virtual places, especially those people once been at but left afterwards

Things i don't like:
- playing ultrakill (i no longer enjoy it's gameplay since september 2022)
- being asked/forced into doing stuff i clearly stated i'm not gonna do (no mctaylors, i am not gonna install win10. you get it?)
- laggy games that look outright bad on minimal
- proprietary software
- big companies being money hungry, specifically game studios and publishers

All known name aliases of mine:
- preferred online name (first letter always capital): Cave Johnson, or just Cave.
- short username (lowercase allowed): CaveJ376
- long username (slowly being phased out): CaveJohnson376

If you don't want to mention me by name:
- he/him
- dude, guy, man, bro, comrade
if close (ask me if you're close one or not):
- friend
- sir, mister, lord (unless jokingly because why not)

Some links idk
- YT channel: Cave Johnson's Workshop (in process of translation)
- Github: CaveJohnson376
- Discord tag: @cavejohnson376
- International Discord server: /home/cavej376 - international server
- Russian Discord server: переключи язык страницы на русский :)

 ©CaveJohnson376. v5.0. Discord: @cavejohnson376. Website backend, frontend and design "Minecraft-ish" made by @foxslyme (at Discord). Powered by nginx, Arch Linux and our pure enthusiasm. more info
a v6.0-beta version of website is available for testing