This website and all my (not only my) servers are hosted on my server at home

- CPU: Intel Core i5-2500, 4 cores, 4 threads, 3.7GHz per core
- GPU: Intel HD Graphics 2000 integrated GPU
- RAM: 2х4GB AMD Radeon Entertainment series DDR3-1600 + 2х8GB Juhor DDR3-1600 (24GB total)
- SSD: Samsung 870 EVO 1Tb, SATA 2.5"
- PSU: Power Man IP-S300FF7-0 300W
- MB: Gigabyte H77M-D3H

Since not everyone has a personal hosting server, like I do, I decided to share it with my friends
So, we have our hosting team:
- CaveJ376
- FlyMaster
- fallondo

 ©CaveJohnson376. v5.0. Discord: @cavejohnson376. Website backend, frontend and design "Minecraft-ish" made by @foxslyme (at Discord). Powered by nginx, Arch Linux and our pure enthusiasm. more info
a v6.0-beta version of website is available for testing