2024-03-25 @CaveJ376 logged
- some minor data refreshments and stuff
- brought this whole thing back. finally!
*after little bit of sleep and hefty bit of job*
- added "a year later" edit/postscriptum for my headphone rant.

2023-02-19 @CaveJ376 logged
- fixed some typos there and there
- introduced beta branch of website, currently running v6.0-beta.
- - this is a complete rewrite, just like both v3.0 and v4.0 were made. older versions will be publically archived for history purposes.
- added link to footer leading to newly introduced beta branch of website. take note it might not work.

2023-01-29 @FlyMaster logged
- Added a button to log in using Discord account

2022-12-19 @CaveJ376 logged
- upgraded hosting machine to i5-2500
- refreshed some pretty old (~4 months old) info about hosting machine

2022-10-27 @CaveJ376 logged
- removed l1ttle, mctaylors, null. we're moving on, and i consider this to be a new epoch for our community.

2022-10-19 @CaveJ376 logged
- brought back cavej376.xyz as main domain after we stopped using Certbot and Let's Encrypt certificates, we are using Cloudflare proxy instead
- finally brought back english version of main page

2022-08-09 @FlyMaster logged
- Updated RAM and PSU info on the "About my hosting" page

2022-04-15 @l1ttle logged
- Updated RU NRCh page to match EN page in content
- Updated TL page to exclusively use buttons (and be more clear)

2022-03-28 @FlyMaster logged
- Updated all the links from cavej376.ddns.net to cavej376.xyz
- Updated /home/cavej376's Discord tag to the actual one

2022-01-02 @FlyMaster logged
- The language can now be switched from any domain except cavej376.ddns.net

2021-12-27 @FlyMaster logged
- Transferred website from file request system to database request system
- Reworked error pages system

2021-12-18 @l1ttle and @null authored, @null logged
- Added HTTPS with Certbot & Let's Encrypt

2021-12-18 @CaveJ376 authored and @FlyMaster logged
Website is now available at cavej376.xyz and www.cavej376.xyz

2021-09-20 @FlyMaster logged
- Fixed favicon loading in non-standard pages

2021-05-28 @l1ttle logged
- Added Pav to the "About my hosting" page
- Removed fallondo from the "About my hosting" page

2021-05-23 @CaveJ376 authored and @l1ttle logged
- Added Pav to the hosting team
- Removed fallondo from the hosting team
- Removed Aibat

2021-04-17 @CaveJ376 and @l1ttle logged
- Added /dev/null to the hosting team

2021-04-16 @l1ttle logged
- Completely remade Coggers Lab pages
- (@CaveJ376 requested changes) Slightly changed wording of rule 8
- Removed Aibat

2021-04-08 @l1ttle authored and @FlyMaster logged
- Removed JohnTheCF from the "About my hosting" page as he's no longer part of the hosting team

2021-03-28 @l1ttle logged
- Updated NRCh page

2021-03-27 @FlyMaster logged
- Fixed text on the "About my hosting" page
- Fixed a bug when you weren't able to change language under some circumstances
- Fixed design on Firefox browser
- Added invite to the TL Discord server
- Fixed "Missing translation" page title
- Removed Aibat

2021-03-27 @CaveJ376 logged
- Added "About my hosting" page

2021-03-06 @CaveJ376 logged
- Added "About CaveJ376" and "Coggers Lab server" pages
- Updated main page
- Minor fixes

2021-01-30 16:45 @FlyMaster logged
- Recreated the button design
- Some design tweaks
- Partially recreated the main page
- Translated changelog to the Russian language
- Removed Aibat

2021-01-26 20:00 @FlyMaster logged
- Fixed server address migration... again

2021-01-26 17:00 @CaveJ376 authored and @FlyMaster logged
- Server address changed back to cavej376.ddns.net

2021-01-26 00:50 @FlyMaster logged
- Fixed server address migration

2021-01-25 20:30 @CaveJ376 authored and @FlyMaster logged
- Server address temporarily changed to cavej376-temp.ddns.net, breaking it in the process

2021-01-13 20:20 @FlyMaster logged
- Site header logo changed at the request of CaveJ376
- Minor design tweaks

2020-12-25 05:25 @FlyMaster logged
- Added generic page if the page on the current language is missing, but exists on the others
- All system text was translated into Russian and English
- Added language change button
- Removed Aibat

2020-12-24 @FlyMaster logged
- Added site reconstruction steps to the changelog
- Added pre page mark

2020-12-22 @FlyMaster logged
- Recreated most of the design
  - Also brand new feature: mobile version design support!
- Added brand new feature: error page system!
- Added center, vcenter page marks
- NRCh page is recreated from the screenshot (currently with no links to it, so it's kinda hidden)
- Re-added changelog (this page)
- Removed Aibat

2020-12-21 @FlyMaster logged
- Started reconstruction
- Re-added page fetching system
- The main page replaced with "The site is down for reconstruction..." text
- Re-added different language support with some improvements (currently with no GUI, so it's kinda hidden)
- Added autowrap page mark

2020-12-20 20:25 @CaveJ376 authored and @FlyMaster logged
- Realised that the site is gone. Added the stub for the main page with simple text
- Removed Aibat

2020-12-17 23:55 @Aibat authored and @FlyMaster logged
- The site was almost totally erased while joking with rm -rf. Only 1 page survived, as well as the TANPOTS section. All the rest is lost.

 ©CaveJohnson376. v5.0. Discord: @cavejohnson376. Website backend, frontend and design "Minecraft-ish" made by @foxslyme (at Discord). Powered by nginx, Arch Linux and our pure enthusiasm. more info
a v6.0-beta version of website is available for testing