TL is a free, simple, yet feature-rich Minecraft launcher.
It has support for cracked, Mojang and Microsoft accounts. It also has full support for, a completely free alternative to Mojang's skin system and other services.
It supports creating new game directories for each version to switch between modpacks easily.
If you want to chat about TL or get support, you can join the Discord server.
Which download button do I use? If you're using Windows, uninstall any Java you have and click Download stable EXE. If you're using macOS or Linux, install Java 8 (instructions for macOS) and click Download stable JAR
Install beta if you want the latest features at the cost of having occasional bugs.

Join Discord server

Download beta EXE

Download beta JAR

Download stable EXE

Download stable JAR

 ©CaveJohnson376. v5.0. Discord: @cavejohnson376. Website backend, frontend and design "Minecraft-ish" made by @foxslyme (at Discord). Powered by nginx, Arch Linux and our pure enthusiasm. more info
a v6.0-beta version of website is available for testing